Electric Tankless Water Heaters

Solar Heating

—With solar thermal, using an external Seisco heater to heat only the incremental water used as necessary, allows maximum efficiency and BTU gain from the solar system – Alternatively, when tank is maintained at constant temperature by internal heat source, maximum rise is the difference between its 130°F set point and 180°F or about 50°F. — With an external Seisco Electric Tankless, potential solar rise can be 100°F or more (ambient 80°F to 180°F) dramatically increasing the proportion of energy captured from the solar component and increasing overall system efficiency.

Geothermal Installation

Like solar thermal, heating only the incremental water used as necessary, allows maximum efficiency and BTU gain from the Geothermal system. —A Seisco Electric Tankless boost heating only the incremental water used, dramatically increases the proportion of energy captured from the geothermal component, increasing overall system efficiency and delivering continuous hot water regardless of weather conditions.