Electric Tankless Water Heaters


Every SEISCO tankless model is certified and tested to UL 499 Appliance Standard and the more stringent UL 834 Space Heating Standard. Its control is tested by UL to acheive "Recognized Component" as a temperature limit control under the requirements of UL 353 and CSA C22.2. Click here for more information.
SEISCO has received significant recognition and continues to be used in many notable applications described below:
Zero Net Energy Projects
A Seisco tankless was selected as backup to a combination Passive Solar/Geothermal system for the Rose Cottage Zero Net Energy Project. (rcmzeroenergy.com)
Seisco was chosen as the water heater for Ferrier Custom Homes Zero Net Energy Casita project. Ferrier is a multiple NAHB Green Building award winner and has collaborated with Seisco on several projects. (zeroenergycasita.com)
Solar Back Up
Seisco tankless was selected as the back up for solar water heating in the United States Department of State, Florida Regional Center Building, which is the State Department's solar showcase, located in Fort Lauderdale, Florida.
Additionally, at the recommendation of PATH and the NAHB Research Department, the Seisco tankless was also selected as the back up for solar water heating in the prestigious "Armory Park del Sol: A Solar Community." This project is being constructed by the John Wesley Miller Companies, in the historic Armory Park area of Tucson. This is one of the most prestigious solar projects in the U.S. and is a part of both the PATH and the Federal Government's million home solar initiative program. (toolbase.org)
Radiant/Domestic Water Heating Combo
SEISCO has demonstrated its ability to provide both space and domestic hot water from the same tankless unit. Domestic hot water is separated from the space heating fluid and priority is given to domestic hot water requirements when required from a "smart heater" priority switch and control to provide an extremely energy efficient and cost-effective dual system. Like all Seisco models, this system can be combined with solar or any other pre-heated water source for futher savings and efficiencies. Radiant Heating: SEISCO has been providing heat sources for radiant heating and snow melting for over 10 years.
Other Noteworthy Projects:
AT&T Sponsored "Home of Tomorrow": The Seisco was featured at the State Fair of Texas in the AT&T sponsored "Home of Tomorrow."
PATH Evaluated Technology: The Seisco was featured as the water heating technology of choice in PATH's National Demonstration Home (Presidential initiative, The Partnership for Advancing Technologies in Housing, consisting of 13 agencies including HUD, the DOE, and the EPA, assisted in product evaluation by the Research Department of the National Association of Home Builders.) (pathnet.org)
The Discovery Channel’s “Your New House” included the SEISCO heater in two segments of the show.
Bonneville Power: Like the TVA, Bonneville Power, an agency of the Federal Government, selected the SEISCO for its home of the future, "NeXt" house.
Seisco was recently chosen as the water heating partner for the new $6.8 billion Midfield Terminal Complex at the Abu Dhabi Airport.
In the News:
Miracles of Science: Seisco was included in DuPont Magazine, “Miracles of Science” issue
Design New Magazine - Flow detection drives tankless water heater “Conroe, TX — A new patented tankless water heater only heats water when someone turns on a faucet.” EEI-Marketing
Electricity Today - Texas firm offers new type of tankless water heater: “Analysts who’ve tested the SEISCO tankless water heater say it can lower energy use significantly compared to conventional gas or electric water heaters employing storage tanks.”
Appliance Manufacturer - A water heater for the wall “Abundant, continuous hot water is achieved through advanced mechanical and electrical design circuitry. One hundred-plus showers may be taken in a row. ... Temperature control is very precise, within a degree plus or minus"
Designfax - Parts and space reduction provided by use of nylon resin... “In addition to providing an unlimited supply of hot water to meet peak needs, lower energy costs and space savings, the on-demand heater mounts on the wall in a small cabinet.”
Technologies for Energy Management™ - Instantaneous electric water heater serves whole house “...a patented control system provides for continuous hot water, with variable energy input using only the energy required to heat the water to the desired temperature.”
Appliance Magazine - No tanks necessary “...the new unit underwent rigorous testing [by Bradley Consulting Group] before its release...conditions employed in the tests were much more severe than those encountered in normal operations... The result: surface erosion of the components... was less than the thickness of two typical human hairs...mineral buildup was negligible and there was no corrosion.”
Heating & Ventilating Review - Water heater made in plastic. “The SEISCO heater has been designed...to overcome capacity problems and has a highly responsive electronic controller with dual backups for key heat control functions.”
MH/RV Builders News - Yes/no water heater: unlimited hot water but no storage tank, “The Seisco heater...uses a patented flow-sensing and variable power-sharing technology to avoid capacity limitations, minimum flow and pressure requirements, over - heating of water and burnout of heating elements at low flow rates or shutdown.”
Energy Design Update - Seisco tankless electric water heater sets new standard “...the Seisco control offers three additional advantages. First, it uses electronic sensors to control the elements rather than in-line flow switches and/or pressure diaphragms, which have a notorious history of failing... Second, there are no minimum pressure or flow requirements... Finally, the Seisco control contains a separate (redundant) high-temperature shutdown circuit that’s inherent in the control’s design.”
PLASTICS NEWS - Zytel nylon finds use in heating chamber “DuPont Co. polymers stand the heat in on-demand water heaters made by SEISCO ... The SEISCO heater electrically heats water when needed, eliminating the need for a bulky storage tank. It also cuts down on heat losses from a tank while it is not in use.”
Manufactured Housing: Seisco was the first to be granted several special use provision exceptions under HUD's Manufactured Housing Construction and Safety Standard. This provided acceptance to tankless water heaters as a viable whole house water heater for HUD manufactured housing.
Tennessee Valley Authority: The Tennessee Valley Authority, an agency of the Federal Government, tested SEISCO and confirmed its performance met the "Manufacturer's Claims" and that the SEISCO tankless was 99.3% energy efficient. The TVA presented its findings at the International ASHRAE Conference.
UL listed and tested to UL499 small electric appliance standard and also more stringent UL834 standard for High kW boiler and space heating equipment (ul.com)
Control is certified to UL 353/CSA 22.2 standard for limit controls, eliminating the need for mechanical high limit switches
It is UL Classified In Accordance With NSF/ANSI 372 to meet all current lead free standards and all components are NSF/ANSI 61 Drinking water safe.
The Seisco patents are the reason that the SEISCO Tankless Water Heater is superior to any tankless product on the market. U.S. Patents: #7,616,873, #6,246,831, #6,080,971, #5,866,880 and #5,216,743 [PATENTS]
Seisco created the first truly whole house tankless water heater that not only replaces your tank heater, but can heat your home as well and now offers point of use technology and the industry first “Supercharger” that extends tankless benefits to standard tank water heaters for a fraction of the cost of whole house tankless.
Radiant/Domestic Water Heating Combo: SEISCO has demonstrated its ability to provide both space and domestic hot water from the same tankless unit. Domestic hot water is separated from the space heating fluid and priority is given to domestic hot water requirements when required from a "smart heater" priority switch and control to provide an extremely energy efficient and cost-effective dual system. Like all Seisco models, this system can be combined with solar or any other pre-heated water source for further savings and efficiencies.
Radiant Heating: SEISCO has been providing heat sources for radiant heating and snow melting for over 10 years.
Seisco heaters are manufactured at our facility in Houston, Texas from predominately U.S. sourced components with final assembly and packaging in our facility in Mexico qualifying them as a "Buy American" product.
Contact Seisco or your local rep for more information about the full line of Seisco Electric Tankless Heaters.